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About Coaching and reShape Space value

Coaching is a process that stimulates a client’s thinking, helping them explore issues important to them and make decisions that align with their personal or professional goals. Coaching sessions employ a variety of techniques—including questioning, reflection, experimentation, and dissociation—to help clients unlock their potential, gain new perspectives, and identify actions that will enable them to overcome challenges.

Coaching is widely regarded as one of the most effective methods for achieving lasting change and improvement. This is due to the safe, thought-provoking environment it creates, which empowers clients to make decisions that best suit their needs and fosters a conscious commitment to action.

  • Change: Transforms thinking, attitudes, and limiting beliefs.
  • Clarity: Enhances understanding of purpose, meaning, values, and responsibility.
  • Self-Empowerment: Uncovers strengths and talents, providing the energy to overcome challenges and achieve results.
  • Independence: Strengthens decision-making skills.
  • Inspiration: Motivates personal and professional growth.
  • Effectiveness: Improves communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution.
  • Engagement: Boosts performance and job satisfaction.
  • Flexibility: Enhances adaptability to change and problem-solving abilities.
  • Confidence: Builds trust in oneself and among team members.

Individual coaching is a one-to-one, structured conversation between a client and a coaching professional. Its purpose is to stimulate the client’s thinking and growth, explore issues that matter to them, and support them in making decisions that lead toward their personal or professional goals.

Team coaching is a structured process that involves all team members working with a coaching professional to stimulate the team’s learning and help achieve its collective goals. It strengthens the authenticity of team members and identifies the most effective ways for them to collaborate. By building trusting relationships and integrating personal and team values, team coaching helps create effective agreements and fosters cooperation toward a common goal.

In ReShape sessions, a variety of methods are employed beyond coaching to promote practical learning and help participants assimilate their experiences. The most effective methods or combinations—such as coaching, facilitation, moderation, and others—are selected based on the client’s specific needs, challenges, and desired outcomes.

An individual coaching session typically lasts up to one hour and is often conducted remotely. At the start of the session or series of sessions, the client and the coaching professional identify the desired outcome. Throughout the session, coaching techniques and principles are used to explore different perspectives and determine the best paths to achieve the client’s goal. At the end of the session, the outcome is evaluated, and the next steps are planned.

In a team coaching session, the coaching professional works with the entire team to create a safe environment, foster understanding among team members, and establish agreements that are important for the team’s success. The session aims to achieve a common outcome and stimulate the team’s learning process. A typical team session lasts between 2.5 and 3 hours. For specific issues or relationship reinforcement, the team may meet in a single session; however, a cycle of sessions is usually agreed upon to facilitate lasting change.

Coaching principles, tools, and techniques can be effectively applied independently in the daily operations of an organization by managers, team leaders, people and culture managers, or team members. These tools can be used in addressing both day-to-day and strategic challenges, such as feedback conversations, meetings, idea generation sessions, and other activities. Applying coaching tools fosters active listening, solution-oriented thinking, multidimensional assessment, and other valuable skills.