reShape Services

Tailor-made experiential programmes promote lasting change in personal development, leadership, team dynamics, and organisational culture. By fostering an environment that prioritises both people and the value they create, organisations can naturally enhance engagement and drive sustainable growth. To ensure these changes endure, work can be conducted in teams, leadership groups, or on an individual basis.

Team Growth Sessions

Team coaching sessions are designed to facilitate conscious, lasting change within a team by encouraging self-awareness and understanding of team members. These sessions provide an ideal space to establish clear agreements on long-term goals, engagement strategies, and effective ways of working together. Each session is organised around a shared goal and the needs of the team, creating a safe environment that encourages continuous learning and supports decision-making that leads to tangible results.

Cultural Change Sessions

Cultural change sessions facilitate the team's agreement on the significance of key cultural criteria within the context of the company's challenges and long-term goals. These experiential sessions encourage participants to shift their thinking, testing practical tools that help create new behaviours and drive meaningful performance improvements. Engagement and satisfaction among team members are cultivated to promote smooth collaboration and co-created results.

Personal Growth Sessions

Individual coaching is a structured, thought-provoking conversation. The coaching professional assists the client in identifying personal and professional goals and values, spotting obstacles, assessing opportunities and prospects, and anticipating desired long-term changes. These sessions create a partnership space that stimulates the client's awareness and helps them find solutions to achieve their desired outcomes.

Team Creativity Workshops

Creativity workshops help participants discover and harness their personal creativity, foster co-creation in teams, and strengthen a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the organisation. The creativity skills developed encourage the generation of new ideas, experimentation, and the discovery of out-of-the-box solutions for situations where members of the organisation feel "stuck," ultimately strengthening the organisation's competitiveness.