Team Growth Sessions

For teams or groups within organisations (management teams, project teams, departmental teams, etc.).


Coaching sessions for teams (can be groups).

Group Size

up to 10-14 people.


The topics depend on the challenges the team and its leader are facing and the results they want to achieve. Each session focuses on helping the team learn and discover the best solutions.

Duration and Frequency

A typical team coaching session lasts 3 hours. Sessions are scheduled every 2 to 4 weeks, based on the agreed number of meetings.


On-site or online

Quantity of Sessions

For lasting change, sessions are typically conducted in cycles of 3 to 5.

The Importance of Teams in Numbers

0 %

of employees feel motivated working in an environment of trust (Deloitte, 2022).

0 %

of engaged employees are considering changing jobs, compared to 74% of non-engaged employees (Gallup, 2022).

0 x

more effective at managing change, collaborative teams excel in adapting to challenges (Deloitte, 2023).



Leadership Based on Control

Control and micromanagement inhibit team members' autonomy, growth, and motivation.

Lack of Involvement

Inconsistent engagement and indifference from team members undermine team motivation.

Stuck Cooperation

Misunderstandings, emotional decision-making, and differing priorities hinder the achievement of common goals.

Weak Collective Identity

Doubts about common purpose, values, and methods of action divert attention to personal goals.

Insufficient Acknowledgment

A lack of appreciation and support casts doubt on the value being created and hinders team growth..

Fear of Change

Uncertainty about the meaning and prospects of change, coupled with discomfort, creates insecurity and resistance.

Growing Leadership

The environment nurtures the team's strengths and fosters co-creation.

Natural Engagement

The conditions to share ideas, be heard, and build trust foster personal commitment.

Effective Cooperation

Sustainable relationships and agreements facilitate smooth collaboration.

Collective Alignment

Aligning on a shared vision, priorities, and values helps achieve the organisation's long-term goals.

Nurturing Growth and Loyalty

A growing sense of value builds loyalty, facilitates learning from experience, and inspires greater effort.

Embracing Change

Openness to change fosters innovative thinking and strengthens competitiveness.